
S Group’s long-term human rights work can be seen in the results of the third -party SIHTI assessment

S Group was included among the best companies in a study assessing how Finnish companies are fulfilling their human rights responsibilities in practice. Commissioned as part of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities, the SIHTI project’s recent report assesses the work 29 Finnish companies do to promote human rights. S Group received 40.8 points, which is well above the average score of 24.8.


“At S Group, we have worked for a long time to ensure the realisation of human rights and responsible procurement operations. We are glad that our systematic work human rights work shows in the results of the assessment. The study gives us valuable information about development areas. We continue to promote human rights and equal opportunities, and these themes are also emphasised in our updated responsibility programme,” says Sanni Martikainen, Corporate Responsibility Manager.

S Group is committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights and to promoting the fulfilment of human rights.

One of the three themes of S Group’s updated responsibility programme is Towards an equal world – by removing inequality. We welcome all people as equally important to us. We take care that our own and our partners’ employees are treated fairly in Finland and around the world. We display products’ manufacturing sites and the country of origin of their main ingredients in order to track human rights matters.

Read more about S Group’s work for human rights:

Read more about the study of the Status of Human Rights Performance of Finnish Companies (SIHTI) project.

Photos: SOK

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