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S Group continues among the A-Listers of international climate work – due to tightened criteria, the Group was awarded a score of A-

S Group’s climate work was awarded a rating of A- in the international CDP assessment. The assessment of the Group’s climate work therefore fell slightly from last year, when the S Group achieved the best grade A for the first time. The main reason for the decline is the tightening of assessment criteria.


“Our climate work has progressed exactly as planned, and we are even about to achieve our operational goals ahead of time. The assessment criteria are tightened annually; exactly as they should be,” says Nina Elomaa, Senior Vice President, Sustainability. 

“Reducing emissions is at the heart of our climate work. In addition to our own operations, we must pay attention to our products and services, because the majority of emissions are related to them. A significant tool in this work is therefore the Big Deal programme, which involves more than a hundred suppliers, and in which we aim to reduce emissions by one million tonnes by 2030,” says Elomaa.

“S Group is continuing to invest in its own renewable electricity production, and is focusing on wind and solar power. It is also important to remember that promoting sustainable consumption and an environmentally friendly diet, and reducing waste play a significant role in climate work, and they are at the heart of our sustainability programme,” says Elomaa.

This time, 270 international companies and 12 companies in Finland made it onto CDP’s highest A List.

In 2020, the S Group published its ambitious climate goals to make its own operations carbon negative by 2025, which means that it will sequester more carbon dioxide than it discharges into the atmosphere.

As part of these goals, we seek to reduce emissions from our own operations by 90% from the level of 2015 by the end of 2030.

“We have made excellent progress in reducing our emissions. At the end of last year, we had already reduced our emissions by 70%,” says Nina Elomaa.

The S Group is also a member of CDP’s supply chain scheme. The programme enables partner companies that supply products or services to report on their emission reductions in a consistent manner.

CDP is an independent global organisation established by non-governmental organisations in 2000. It assesses the environmental efforts of hundreds of companies each year, mainly based on the wishes of their financiers and investors. 

Photos: Petteri Löppönen

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